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Conservation Leadership Development Program (CLDP)



Mahalo for your interest in hosting a Conservation Leadership Development Program (AmeriCorps) member!  CLDP is one of several programs at Kupu aiming "to empower youth to serve their communities through character building, service learning, and environmental stewardship opportunities that encourage integrity (pono) with Ke Akua, self, and others."  Check our website for a full description of this program.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at (808) 735-1221 ext. 2002 or via email at with any questions. 

CLDP Year Long Host Site Instructions

If your organization only has one direct supervisor overseeing the requested participants, you may submit one application form.

If your organization is requesting multiple participants and they will be overseen by separate supervisors, each individual direct supervisor at your organization needs to submit their own application.  

  • Sites must be either a non-profit organization or a State/Federal agency, and must be able to provide participants with any necessary tools, sufficient conservation service, and educational experiences in the U.S. Pacific Islands or Hawaii's environment.
  • After completing this application, selected sites will need to sign a Master Agreement and Statement of Work Addendum to proceed with this Kupu program.  An example of these documents will be emailed to the Organization Point of Contact for review after the application form has been submitted.

Organization & Site Information

Please write the full PROPER NAME (e.g., Nualolo Kai, Na Ala Hele Trails and Access Program, Information and Education Program, Sea Urchin Hatchery, Maui Marine Program)

The Seasonal program term hosts participants for ~6 months, and Year Long for ~11 months.

Primary Point of Contact for Organization

Direct Supervisor's Contact Information

Back-Up Supervisor's Contact Information

Finance Contact for Organization

Financial Information

Important:  If you are not processing payment through your organization/site, please indicate that and identify where the payment will be coming from in this section.

Note: Kupu processes all financial aid requests accordingly. Financial aid is limited and not guaranteed.

MA/SOW Contact Information

Background & Impact

7.  Categorize the approximate percentage of service this position will spend in each of the following categories.  The sum of your entries must total 100%.

Site Details

Position Description

Please use this section to provide Kupu with the position description details for the participant(s) you would like to host at your site.

 Second Position Description

Please use this section to provide Kupu with the second position description details for the participant(s) you would like to host at your site.  Note that the Direct Supervisor for this position will need to be the same individual as the position description above.

Host Site Acknowledgments

Your site must acknowledge and agree to all of the written statements below.  Please read carefully.  These are required to process your application.